Live-fire exercises: cyber incident
simulation exercise for technical
cybersecurity personnel that aims to
develop technical incident response and
red teaming skills which also enables
leadership levels to improve their risk
assessment of the overall response
Strategic decision-making exercise:
strategic exercise that facilitates the
process of carrying out strategic decision-
making. The Cyber Range offers the
participants a simulated environment for
playing out a fictional cyber crisis by
taking concrete crisis management
decisions and exploring the (in)formal
frameworks that govern decision-making
Security testing and benchmarking
The Cyber Range offers an environment
for conducting cybersecurity tests and
benchmarking of technologies/
Capture the flag (CTF): a competitive
event where participants are faced with a
number of well-defined tasks (which can
be both practical and theoretical) that
need to be solved by employing various
cybersecurity skills. Importantly, the
progress of the event and the success and
failures of participants can be followed
live with instant visualisation of the
Classroom-type training: traditional
classroom training conducted with the
assistance of a tutor. The Cyber Range can
be used to build and deploy virtual
machines or technical artefacts
independently for each individual trainee.
Skills testing:
an advanced system based upon the Cyber Range combined with tailored training and educational content
utilising the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) National Initiative for
Cybersecurity framework (NICE) which is a formalised approach to ensuring cyber workforce personnel have
the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to not
E-learning: environment where learning and testing activities can be carried out via text-,
image- and video-based content. Besides cyber hygiene, the range of standard courses also includes
disinformation, remote work hygiene, GDPR and anti-corruption.